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Visitors 632
221 photos

The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is the most visited National Park in the USA!
Clingman's Dome at TwilightClingman's Dome SunsetClingman's Dome (post sunset)Clingman's Dome SunsetGSMNP sunset  12x18Sparks Lane - Cades CoveDeer at Cades CoveSpring time in the Smokies (WC)Primitive Baptist Church InteriorCarter Shields Cabin in the SpringMiddle Prong of Pigeon River in the Smokies(WC)Bridge over the Pigeon RiverFoothills Parkway RoadwayGreat Smoky Mountains National ParkTom Turkey ProfileRoaring Fork CascadesUp and Over- deer jumping the fence at Cades CoveRoaring Fork Cabin and barnRoaring Fork Cascades- downstreamRoaring Fork downstream Cascades (closeup)

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Guestbook for Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP)
Christine Peileke(non-registered)
Good Morning! Hope this find you well! I so enjoyed viewing your photography & paintings! I live in east TN, not far from GSMNP & Cades Cove is a favorite place to visit and photograph. I wanted to share a special moment from back in 2009. A close friend of mine was down to see us & we visited Cades Cove. We were coming out of the Missionary Baptist Church when a mom, dad & young girl (maybe 10) went inside. As we were walking away, this beautiful voice came from inside and we paused to listened to "Amazing Grace" being sung. The acoustics inside echoed the song and we were transformed back in time. It was magical!! When the family came outside again, we complimented the mother on her beautiful voice. She shook her head and motioned to her young daughter. She was the singer!!! It was a moment we will never forget.
I look forward to seeing more of your photography! Haven't been to Yellowstone yet, but our youngest daughter lives in Bailey, CO and we hope to get back out west after we build our log cabin. We're on an adventure building and milling our own lumber from trees on our property. Time for painting is elusive for me right now so photography has offered a creative outlet that has become incredibly rewarding. Your watercolor paintings are inspiring!!
Sorry to ramble on so but thank you so much for sharing your work and taking a moment to listen. Perhaps one day our paths will cross capturing the beauty this wonderful world offers. May God bless you.
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