2013 MPEG YNP/GTNP Groupshoot Day 1: June 2, 2013

June 02, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Day 1

I am pleased to report that all 19 of us made it safely to Jackson, WY after a long day of traveling. No major glitches to report.

The drive over from SLC was easy and absolutely beautiful. Picture perfect skies with painted clouds. Those traveling with me were in awe of the beauty of swan valley with the snake river running through it..... and even a bald eagle made an appearance hunting over the river...

Once we (7 of us) arrived in Jackson, we checked in the hotel quickly and then we were joined by a couple of other MPEG members for an exploration/scouting trip up  Rt. 89/191 through the Park. 90% of the folks on this Groupshoot have NEVER been to either Park, so they were in awe with the Tetons and the wildlife sightings. I am thrilled to give them this opportunity.

We drove up to scout our sunrise location and I explained the logistics of this part of the Groupshoot. We continued on North stopping at Jackson Lake Dam, the we headed back south to get a bite to eat and meet for the 9:00pm Groupshoot meeting.

We held the meeting outdoors as the lobby was too small for our group.

I passed out a full page listings of wildlife sightings and locations based on 5 local photog sources (Thanks guys and gals!) I have on the ground in both Parks. I passed out an agenda for the week so everyone is on the same page..... The Group was (and looked tired) like myself. 

We will be in the GTNP for two days with emphasis on landscape photography and we will fill the rest of the time in with wildlife as we come upon it.

We will be leaving the hotel at 4:30 am sharp for sunrise (twilight begins at 5:09 am MST) with sunrise at 5:44 am. Hopefully things go our way weather wise. Three different forecasts are consistently great so we will see. Mountain weather can be unpredictable.

It is 11:26 pm MST and I am off to hit the hay. It's rise and shine in 4.5 hours..... 

Thanks for all the comments and NEW LIKES on Facebook!

Stay tuned for Day 2!

Good Night!



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